Echos d'ici et d'ailleursEchos de Yahshua Hamashia TabernacleToute l'actualité

Friday all night Prayer at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle and Love Divine Sanctuary

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As Peter and the 119 Christians gathered in the Upper room to pray all through the night, so did Pastor BAHOYA Samuel and faithful Christians gathered and connected at their various locations to pray and hear the Word of God. Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle was not left behind. Faithful Christians abandoned their beds to come fellowship all night with their God. The doors of the temple were opened at 9:30pm to let Christians in for half an hour of meditation. There was an hour of worship and praises which ushered the Man of God to the pulpit from Douala.

He read from Revelation 10:7 to introduce the prophet which is the authorized Voice of our days. He made reference to the sermon, The Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ, 65-1125. Here, he reminded the Christians that we have a Groom who do not lie, is faithful to His promises, and is able to create for our benefit. He later read from Genesis 12:1-3 to talk of the call of Abram by God. Basing his thought on The Unconditional Covenant of God, he went ahead to present how a Christian is being called by God likening it to the call of Abram. He made mention of the fact that man can not seek God, but God comes seeking for man. When He chooses you, He creates the taste in you and you now start searching for Him as David in Psalms 42. As Abram was called by God and told him to leave his fatherland, so also God will always make us Christians to leave many things before He can bless us. He advised the Christians that if they meet a man or woman on whom the hand of God is upon him or her, they should stay by him or her. When God loves you, there is nothing that can change it. He talked of Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau which the Lord loved Isaac and Jacob before they were born. He pointed to the fact that God gives us revelation so that we will not be confused and follow the crowd. There is no meritorious salvation but a gift from God to those that He foreknew. When we are aware of our salvation, we put in faith in all God’s promises and act upon. The devil or demons will remain indifferent even when we shout to the top of our voices, but our faith is what makes them move. He went ahead to say, when God makes a covenant with you, it is for you and your descendants as was the case with our father Abraham.

When we come to God, we have to become a new being. He exalted the Christians that when they come to God, they should not only seek to receive message quotes to fill their heads with it, but they should first seek to receive the Holy Spirit in their souls and the quotes will be revealed to them. As Abraham’s name was changed from Abram to Abraham, so also anyone who comes to God must see his name be changed by God before he can receive anything from Him. Our statue only change when God must have changed our name. We must master the name God has given us, where He has written our name in the bible and our reference Word he has given us particularly. That’s why when we come to God, we have to be sincere for God’s purpose to be revealed and fulfilled in our life. The Pastor then presented three categories of people who come to the Lord. The first category are people who come and confess only part of their sins and keep part. They stand between God and satan and are look warm Christians. The second category are those that sincerely seek to be delivered of their sins and sufferings and actually receive God’s deliverance. The third categories are those that are suffering unconsciously because of family curses inherited from their predecessors due to their sins as is mentioned in Genesis 34:6-7. He ended by saying people prefer a half christainity, but as it is written in Matthew 13:47 where all sorts of fishes are caught likened to the kingdom of God, when selection will be done, only the full Christians will be retained at the end. He then gave autonomy to the various local assemblies for the deacons to lead the prayers till the morning. This was led at the level of Yahshua by Brother NZOKOU Jean.

CHENWI Celestine


Jules Pierre Moune

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