Echos d'ici et d'ailleursEchos de Yahshua Hamashia TabernacleToute l'actualité


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The Christians of Yahshua in particular and Yaounde in general have really been enjoying the physical presence of their pastor, Bahoya Samuel. The visible audience at Yahshua were privileged to fellowship with him once more on Friday. The invisible audience were also not left out as in their various locations received the same spiritual blessings as the visible audience for distance is not a barrier unto our God.
The worship and praise service was inspirationally led by Evangelist Linkog Emmanuel that merited him complements from the pastor and obtained grace from the Lord in his life. The pastor took over the pulpit, not to preach as many could be think, but humbly in his kind, to give the opportunity to another young servant of God to preach. Just as other Christians, he sat as in many other instances to listen.
But before that, in setting the stage or spiritual atmosphere to receive the Word, he reminded the Christians of a very important aspect of the ministry of their age. He told the Christians that the ministry of their prophet William Marrion Branham was and is summarized in four (4) words : »BACK TO THE WORD « . He then introduced to the pulpit the guest preacher in the person of Pastor prophet Nantah Solomon.
Christians were therefore once more privileged to receive the visit of this gifted man of God. He acknowledged the goodwill of the pastor to give him his pulpit and thanked the church for welcoming him. He brought a message of deliverance to the church as he touched diverse domains of life.
He began with « The Importance of Deliverance ». He pointed out that, many people think that when they take their baptism, when they become Christians, automatically they are delivered from evil spirits, family and ancestral spirits and oaths. It is quite wrong because you can be a Christian with your spiritual life flourishing but your physical life being controlled and manipulated by evil spirits. He said there is a difference between the reality and the Truth. This is to point out that the reality of our lives at times is not the truth or what God has ordained or destined for us. The truth is there as God has destined but the wickedness of men turn it to another reality. Wickedness make men to delay and even block the truth about the lives of others and maintain them in a reality that is different from the truth about their lives. A man that was destined to be great in life, is found living under his privileges because evil men are controlling his life.
He quoted Hebrews 11:3b to tell his audience that visible things are made out of invisible ones. The devil being a perverter, also takes from the invisible to make visible things. That is why, even before we are born, the devil through its agents(wicked men) know at times our star, gifts and abilities and start combating this destiny of God in our lives. They therefore either delay, block, exchange or even kill before some are born. From the invisible, they make our visible lives a reality which is different from the original destiny of God which is the Truth for our lives.
He continue by saying, witchcraft is a non disputable reality is Africa. Africans are known worldwide for their magical, demonic and witchcraft powers. He gave the three dimensions of witchcraft being :
1- the Unconscious stage in which an individual practice witchcraft without knowing ;
2- the Conscious stage in which an individual practice knowingly but do not have the courage to offer bloody sacrifices; and the
3- the Bloody stage in which the individual is ready to kill and even drink blood. The means of initiations are diversed. Some are initiated even before they are born, through ancestral covenants, names, family spirits, gifts, and even in dreams. To illustrate his example that we can receive something from our dreams, he talked of King Solomon who received all his riches and wisdom from God in a dream.
The physical life of people are manipulated through witchcraft. At times what God has destined for us, our blessings, success, riches, health, prosperity, marriage, deliverance are being blocked by wicked men. Our being Christians at times do not matter if we have not yet been delivered. He talked of Daniel, a prophet of his caliber, having direct access to God, after his prayer was heard by God and an angel send to deliver him, but the wicked princes of Persia still succeeded retaining this angel (Daniel 10). At times God send out blessings, prosperity, deliverance but the enemy withhold it on the way. This explains therefore, the importance of deliverance even when we become Christians.
He continued by making it clear that even in the bowels or loins of our ancestors or parents before we were born, we are bound to the covenants that they undertook. He made the example of Levi who was accounted for paying tiths to God when Abraham his ancestor paid tiths to Melchisedec (Hebrews 7:1-10). It is in this manner of things that we find ourselves being linked to things that we don’t even know even when we become Christians. Our soul is safed but our body and spirit remain in bandage, chains and torments because of familiar and evil spirits of all sorts. This is explained by the fact that the same things that your family members who are not believers are suffering, you as a Christian is being affected by in the same way. For example, they don’t go further in education, they don’t get married, they are always sick, they don’t prosper, they don’t always finish what they begin,….and you as a Christian is affected by the same things. These spirits stop you from reaching your goals in life as destined by God. Changing quarter, village, town, or country do not set you free from these spirits or witchcraft. The only solution is God’s deliverance through His agents that He has mandated for such a purpose. It is for this reason that being in church without deliverance does not change your situation. The church therefore needs deliverance.
In the second part of his intervention, he read from the Bible Mark 8:22-26, to talk on the subject matter « Allow Yourself To Be Led ». From the above passage and topic, the man of God brought out the effects of being blind and not recognising that you could allow yourself to be led. Being blind, he explained, is a situation in which you cannot see, you are in darkness, and you are living below your privileges. When you are blind, you cannot enjoy the fruits of your labour, you look for your needs where they don’t exist, and search elsewhere. Blindness brings confusion in your life. Blindness makes you take a wrong direction in marriage. Many marriages are in confusion because the decision was made blindly. Blindness makes you take the wrong direction and path in life. You go to the wrong door where it is either closed or it is opened but not for you. We should take note that, blindness can either be physical as spiritual and the former can even be better than the latter. A Christian can be spiritually blind to an extent that he does not even know his pastor or Shepard. He does not have a model, he is lost, and is tossed about like a lost sheep.
In Exodus 23:20 downward, he explained that for God to do anything or something in your life, he has to lead you somewhere using an angel as His agent. These angels are His mandated men or Shepards which in our case is our pastor. But if you are blind not to know your pastor, you can be sure you will not make your target. Jesus Christ in the passage we read above led the blind man somewhere out of his village and the man followed him. Allow yourself to be led, but first, recognize who is to lead you. Who is your pastor? The man walked hand in hand with Jesus while He led him. The best way to walk in life is to walk hand in hand with your leader. He has to know your ins and outs, all about you. The pastoral ministry does not end on the pulpit but on everything about his sheep. You are to have a Moses in your life that will lead you to the promised land. No matter your level of spirituality or riches, never compare yourself to your Moses such as Aaron and Miriam. There was never an Elisha ministry as long as there was an Elijah. As long as the two lived, one was the master and the other a servant. Elisha ministry only sprout when Elijah diminished. May God open your eyes to see your Moses, he shouted.
He continued by saying, you can be or even walk with your pastor and still be blind. Your pastor has to teach you how to see. It was Eli who taught Samuel how to listen to God, it was Elisha who prayed for the eyes of Gehazi to be open for him to see the backup heavenly army at their disposal. You may have other masters, but don’t loose sight with the one that is your model. Just as Paul said, though you may have other masters, don’t forget I am your father.
When you are hand in hand with your pastor, when you are under his shadow, your problems, battles, and victories, become his. When you walk in humility with your pastor, God will uplift you. You can’t have something without a living sacrifice( Roman 12:1) and a living sacrifice is to follow a model who is a living testimony. When you are following someone, you don’t have to turn back, or look behind, but ahead unto the One that he is pointing you to. When the disciples of John the Baptist discovered or met Jesus, they never turned back to John the Baptist again,but forgot about him.
Who is your pastor, he asked again. Does he know you and your affairs? You have to walk hand in hand with him and be obedient to him even in his error. His error is not your business but his affair with his Mandator, God. Even in error, God will answer him and make it come to pass and the rest is between him and God. God Himself says, who can question His servant of anything. God told Moses to speak but he struck. God still made water to come out.
We should never joke with the spirituality of our pastor for his dimension is always superior to ours. As the prophet William Marrion Branham says, God feeds him and he feeds the church. When a man reaches the dimension in which his angel is seen in his absence, we have to be afraid of him. We should never compare spirituality with our model. God only knows us behind another person. That is why the children of Israel always identified themselves behind the « God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ». We also have to be identified behind our prophet and our pastor. When we pray, we should say, the « God of Bahoya Samuel » and see the response from God. He gave a testimony of what he experienced in casting out demons when he prayed and said ‘the God of Bahoya Samuel’ . It’s for this reason that he strongly believe in him as his spiritual father.
It was a disguised all night prayers as the service was long and finished after midnight. But not likely as other all night prayers that usually seem cumbersome at times, Christians never saw the time pass as his preaching was punctured with prophecies, prayers of deliverance, and intercession for the Christians. He made Christians to cross through the shadow of the pastor (as the sick were placed for the shadow of Paul to cross over them and they were healed) and they were instantly healed as they testified. The pastor at the end took over the pulpit to conclude. He glorified the Lord for His doings, told the Christians to hold unto their faith and prayed God to help the Christians not to doubt anymore. God bless you.

Jules Pierre Moune

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