Echos d'ici et d'ailleursEchos de l'église de BueaToute l'actualité

Last Sunday Service at Buea Church (13/10/2019)

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Rev LAMBE Robinson: When I returned from Douala after the intensive weekend we spent in Love Divine Sanctuary, I deemed it very important to share with the brethren this way the treasures that I collected in the course of the meetings. We were well schooled on the importance of bringing the Voice of God back to the pulpit. The Message has suffered immensely from a lot of personal explanations which have taken many away from the real vision of God and diluted the effectiveness and anointing of the Voice of God. It is true that we listen to the Voice but many do not realise that there is an anointing accompanying the declarations of the prophet.

These tapes are actually the recordings of the Voice of God to our generation. There is no other authenticated voice like that of the Message, consequently we have to draw back the attention of the people to the Voice of God. The dispersion of teachings have gone a long way to instead confuse the christians as to what the Lord God wants to tell them on an individual basis. We therefore used the sunday meeting to raise awareness as per the listening of the tapes which already in our church has gained a lot of ground. We are grateful to God for the Buea church which has taken special interest in the listening of the tapes. We exhorted the brothers to continue in that spirit because it is the most saliant way of preparing for greater things that are coming for the bride.

Reported by Harmonie BAHOYA


Jules Pierre Moune

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