Last Sunday Service at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle
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This Sunday was not an exception to the spectacular meetings that Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle has known since the beginning of the series on the seven seals. After an anointed praise service led by brother Guillaume Tamafouo the direction was handed over to Love Divine Sanctuary where our pastor Rev Samuel BAHOYA was found. He began with announcements of general interests notably upcoming obituaries as well as numerous marriages, Christian camp’s launching as from the next day and demands for baptism. The man of God then exhorted the brethren to love one another as Christ loves them. For it us by doing so that others wouldn’t hurt you neither can you hurt them. It is a new commandment, not to love as thyself but as Christ loves oneself. It is important to note that love is also corrective as God recommends us to profess love in truth, gently reproaching a brother in error to bring him back on track.
Everything we do has an effect. The man of God evoked the scientifically proven butterfly effect, where the flapping of the wings of a butterfly in one locality can cause a tornado in another. He also mentioned to this effect the fable of the lost pen that led to depression and death of the concerned or the loose screw in the horse shoe that led to the defeat of a whole army or that of the goat that ate the neighbour’s grass after being let loose and led to a series of deaths. These stories just come to point out the importance of little things that we neglect. Conducting a medical checkup for example could avoid many diseases in future. Likewise is sin, an unconfessed sin generates other sins. David and Bathsheba are a perfect biblical example.
The sermon of the day was drawnf from Revelations chapter 5 and entitled « the undisputable title of ownership ». After creating man, God gave him dominion over the earth. He had the Spoken Word and could speak things into existence. Satan, wanting to take the title of ownership, deceived Adam passing through Eve. But Satan couldn’t take it because his hands were dirty and so it returned to its rightful owner: God. Satan cannot create but can only pervert what God has created. Christ came to the aid of man as his parent Redeemer by spilling His blood. For Christ to give us the title of ownership, we have to confess our sins, and accept the sacrifice He made for us. Confessing your sins brings to an end your marriage to sin. With this title of ownership, you can then speak things into existence. Rev Samuel BAHOYA then concluded the sermon with a call to the altar to which many answered.
Noella NDOH
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