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Last Sunday Service at Love Divine Sanctuary

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Hosanna!! Blessed be he who comes in the name of the Lord. It is with such a joy that the brethren of Love Divine Sanctuary thanked God for the powerful sermon of the day delivered from Edea by Rev LAMBE Robinson.

The service started at 9:30 with the traditional 30 minutes of silence followed by 45 mins of praise and adoration led by brother Paul YOGO. The continuation was then followed by video conference from Edea where our pastor Rev Samuel BAHOYA was residing after the blessing of a marriage the previous day.

The speaker of the day the international bomber as he is fondly called drew his text from Jeremiah 8 v 22, Isaiah 1 v 5-6, I Samuel 15 v 32-33. The essence of the sermon could be summarised as follows:

God wants to do something with His Church but the state of the church does not permit it. There are a lot of wounds, from the head to the toe. A lot is illnesses, especially illness of the soul. Many people are sad and soul sick.

My interest today, he said, is the sickness of the soul for there is an interconnection between sin and illness. As William BRANHAM teaches us, if diseases have increased today, it is because sin has increased. Laughter has become scarce due to the absence of joy in the hearts. As the Bible says in Proverbs 17 v 22, a joyful heart is a good medecine. Some people fake joy during praise service at church but few are the brethren that sing at their homes or offices. This is because suffering and wounds have blocked the canal of joy. There is a difference between the soul and the body.

The Bible asks us in Proverbs 4 v 23 to guard our hearts, there by calling on us to watch over the state of our souls. Jesus foresaw all this, that’s why he said “Come to me, all you who are weary” Matthew 11 v 28. No one can say he does not have wounds, he has not been hurt by parents, children, neighbours, bosses, etc. Referring to the text of Isaiah, You have treated with lightness the wound of my daughter. You hurt someone but you dont fake it seriously. Agag came forward smiling before Samuel, he who had killed many, did not consider the gravity of his acts. We have hurt others in one way or the other, backbited them, prejudicea and you name them. We seem to have confessed but we dont evaluate the depth/impacts of our actions on others. Why is the healing of the body of Christ slow to occur while there are Ephesians 4 in the church? When faced with sin, you have to use the exact medecine. William BRANHAM grew up very poor and was always criticized, if he did not heal this wound he could jot have had divine love to pray for others. We no longer see people cry when confessing their sins.

Noella NDOH


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