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BAHOYA FONKOUE Samuel weds Eunice Blanche Nana last Sunday at LDS

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The end of this year’s wedding chain finally reached its peak last weekend. We’re indeed talking about the BAHOYA FONKOUE couple. It all started on Friday December 18th with the customary mariage at Bonaloka, precisely at the late papa NGANTCHU’s residence. The next day, on the 19th, the civil mariage took place at the Douala 1st city hall where both parties, the groom and the bride were united according to the Cameroonian Law before the mayor.

Sunday 20th marked the solemn day. Eunice and Samuel were to be united before their Creator, the GOD Almighty. The day was launched by the traditional half hour of silence at 9:30 am after which the song leader conducted songs of worship and praise 30minutes later. Families, friends, pastors and the brethrens all stood to first welcome the groom, brother BAHOYA FONKOUE Samuel and some minutes later, the bride, sister NANA SEUMI Eunice Blanche. The officiating pastor this day was pastor Simplice ESSOH KOUM who brought a prophetic message entitled « THE POWER OF LOVE » and read in the book of Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 1-4. He exorted the people on how mariage should be approached. To talk about love, it requires prayers and respect. Prayers make God react cause it’s a moment of communion with HIM but to that should be added respect for it to have more value. He equally said that God’s Love doesn’t like mixtures and always searches for the authentic. After this, the floor was given to Samuel and Eunice to exchange their vows after which they were declared husband and wife.The reception took place hours later at the FIDAS reception hall located at village, Douala, Cameroon.


Jules Pierre Moune

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