Last Sunday Service at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle (22/09/2019)
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After the Sunday school, the second sermon of the day was brought by Reverent Pastor LAMBE Robinson. After reading from the Bible in Philemon, he entitled his sermon “Faith Action; the program of God in your life”. Taking an example of Samson in the Bible to admire the faith and courage of biblical saints, he said it may seem easy or simple when we read how he used the jawbone of a donkey to kill thousands of Philistines, but to be realistic with us, it takes faith in God. He pointed out that, what characterized them was that they first of all took recognition of the mission of God in their lives and how God has been using them to do exploits. It is not easy to accept to take an ordinary jawbone to war. By this, if we are ignorant and not convinced of the mission of God in our lives and what He is assigning us to do, it will be virtually impossible for us to have faith and not to say put action. He continued by saying in destiny there is no competition nor is there jealousy in christian race as each one has his own way well determined by God. With reference to the prophet’s sermon the pastor told us that, if you have Eternal life, you were ordained to do something, maybe a good housewife, or something else, but nobody can take your place and don’t try to take someone else’s place. When you come to God, you are special and unique. God reveals to those that seek and when you receive the revelation, never depart from such for God will judge and ask account from you on what he revealed to you and ask you to do. It is for this reason that He told Saul, obedience is worth more than sacrifice. It is the job of each Christian to keep to what God has told him and stay with the Word for God has given to each member of the Body of Christ a Word and a task to do and so everyone has to give his or her efficient contribution. Nothing can destroy or harm a child of God if God’s purpose in his life has not been realized. Each Christian has to read his name in the Bible and hold on to that part in his life. Drawing close to the end, he made mention of the fact that you may know what God wants you to do, but until you put faith and action, before you can accomplish God’s mission in your life. It took faith action for Moses parents to put him on the river Nile full with crocodiles, for the Shunammite woman to give their last meal to the prophet, for David to face Goliad. May God bless you to make faith-action were his last words.
As spiritual food is good for the soul and physical food for the body, a break was offered for all to put body and soul together. A common meal generally called “agap” was served to all and there were remains just like the two loaves of bread and two fishes Jesus break and shared and there were leftover.To introduce the afternoon service, Reverent Pastor BAHOYA Samuel read from 2 Kings chapter 17 verse 33.
The third preacher of the day was Reverent Pastor MAYENE Martin from Paris.Reading from 2 Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 to 5, he entitled his sermon; “Egoism: Spiritual domain”. He presented egoism or selfishness as the tendency or temperance of someone who seek only his own personal interests, pleasures, gains and satisfaction. All for himself and nothing for the others. He emphasizes that when someone has this demon, all the others read in the above passage will also abide. He also made reference again to the Bible in Romance chapter 12 verse 3 and Philippians chapter 2 verse 3, and James chapter 4 verses 1 to 3. He outlined that these spirits are found in churches, homes, and marriages. Spiritually speaking, he took the example of Jeroboam in the Bible who from nothing was made king over 10 tribes in Israel and later sinned because of egoism as can be read in 1 Kings chapter 12 verses 26 to 30. To continue, he said when God chooses His Messenger, He give to him auxiliaries. There is a principal and auxiliaries. We therefore have to make the choice whether to listen to the Principal frequently or to his Auxiliary. We therefore have to listen to the prophet.
At the end, the host pastor climbed the pulpit once more to conclude and dismiss the christians though he had a special sermon for all under his ministry concerning evangelization. But due to time constrains, it was carried over to the weekend of the 4th to the 6th of October 2018. In his closing remarks, he recounted his history on tape playing and the signs, wonders, and miracles that are accompanying listening to the Authorize Voice for our Age.
CHENWI Celestine