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Back to Sunday School at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle (22/09/2019)

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Last Sunday 22 September 2019 was the “Day of the Lord” the entire as it saw the entire day dedicated to the Lord. It could also be described as the “Feast of the Tabernacle” as christians feet their souls and bodies with a cocktail of spiritual and physical food.

The doors of the temple were opened at 9;30AM and saw the ushering in of the Sunday-school children who were the honored guests for the morning service and later followed the adults. After the 30 minutes of silence, worship and praises, the Man of God, Reverent Pastor BAHOYA Samuel who was closely followed through video conference from Douala, mounted the pulpit for the first menu of the day. This was dedicated to the Inaugural Back-to-School Ceremony of Sunday-schools under his ministry. With a Holy Ghosted inspired prayer, the pastor kick-started the service. As it was children’s Sunday, two children were presented to the Lord, one each from Love Divine Sanctuary and Yashua Hamasha Tabernacle.

Starting wit the song “come and sing to the King of kings”, the pastor introduced the authorized Voice in the prophet’s sermon “Demonology” Physical Realm 53-0608A, first paragraph with the principal lesson being in these words “How I love to fish! And you like to fish, sonny boy? If you kike to fish, and love your mother, you’re going to make a good boy”. The pastor then read from Ephesians chapter 6 verses 1 to 4 and gave as theme of his sermon, “How can I honor my father and mother”. He proceeded with an interactive questions and answers with the children on how to honor their parents and succeed in school and consequently in life. He pointed out things children should do to honor their parents like being the head and not the tail in all that they do as the bible puts it and things they should not do such as being lazy. He taught the children by making references to the Bible in Proverbs chapters 10 verse 1 and 30 verse 17. He urged the children to be complete by working hard and obeying their parents for the two go together.  They should love their mother for she is their first teacher and will therefore teach them how to love their father. To conclude with the children, he told them to honor their parents in their words, behaviors and quality of work. The pastor ended by telling the parents to be unified in the upbringing of their children and understand each child for one can be good in school and the other good in other domains.

CHENWI Celestine


Jules Pierre Moune

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