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There are many things that preoccupy us here on earth, but sometimes we neglect the most important thing.

Everyone has their priorities, often very justified, but in the end, when we reached the end of our path on earth, did we save the essential, our life? To save one’s soul is to save one’s life not only on the earth but for eternity.

Jesus Christ asked a very pertinent question to which every human being should reflect: “And what would it be for a man to gain the whole world, if he lost his soul, or what would a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26) It is therefore possible to lose or save one’s soul, that is, one’s life.

It is true that many people do not believe in a life after physical death. But whether one believes in it or not, it is a reality that requires reflection.

To be lost or saved is to be separated from God or to be united to Him.

It is a question of a spiritual state and to understand it one must enter the “culture” or rather “the spirit” of the Gospel.

Lost or saved? The Good News is summed up as “four sovereign spiritual principles in GOD,” a way of explaining the Bible’s message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, a simple summary of the truths of the gospel.

The first being: “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. John 3:10, John 10.10

The second principle is: “Mankind is defiled by sin and is therefore separated from God. Thus, we can not know the wonderful plan of God for our lives. “Romans 3.23,” Romans 6.23

The third spiritual principle is: “Jesus Christ is God’s solution to deliver us from sin. Through Jesus Christ, our sins can be forgiven and our relationship with God restored. Romans 5.8, Corinthians 15: 3-4, John 14: 6,

Finally, the last spiritual principle is: “We must put our faith in Jesus Christ as our Saviour in order to receive the gift of salvation and to know the wonderful plan of God for our life.” (John 1.12, Acts 16.3, Ephesians 2.8) -9).

In this time of the end of the dispensation of nations, GOD, by a messenger of his choice confirmed according to his promise in William Marrion Branham, member of the Bride, is preparing the second coming of Christ. Let’s listen the Voice of God.

Augustin MAKENG

Jules Pierre Moune

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