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Last Sunday Service at Love Divine Sanctuary (05/07/2020)

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Love Divine Sanctuary this Sunday 05th July 2020 received an August guest who came to condone with the brethren in the light of the recent events that had struck the assembly.

Brethren started populating the church premises as early as 9 AM. The sitting positions were carefully monitored by the ushers and brethren in respect to the government prescribed barrier measures. As usual, the church compound was full as the brethren once more came to hear what the Holy Spirit had in reserve for them especially during these trying times. The praise service gave way to the listening of the Word which was brought by none other than Rev LAMBE Robinson, the national and international bomber as he is fondly called. The man of God from Buea started by rendering homage to a brave soldier, Rev MAYO Benjamin, who had fallen in the field of battle, arms in hand. After observing a minute of silence and a song of hope for the end of trials, he praised God for what He has done for our pastor Rev BAHOYA Samuel who God has fortified through this period and given him the inspiration and courage to stabilise the church. Losing a friendship of more than 50 years is not easy and they were worried but were glad to see God working through His servant. “I am of those who believe in giving people merit and honour while they are living” he said; “and I thank God that I always gave my testimony of him while he was living”. He praised God for the life of the departed who was an example to those who knew him: loyal, faithful, gentle and honest. “I am not of their generation, I met these brave men and appreciate them because their life of sanctification had been an inspiration to us”. “They accepted me and integrated me amongst them”. God placed me to insist on the apostolic and prophetic ministry of Rev BAHOYA Samuel. He particularly appreciated the late Rev MAYO who humbled himself and called his childhood friend “his pastor”. He was able to discern that God had chosen his friend to accomplish a work and gave him the respect, submission due. That was not certainly not easy, the man of God said and he encourages the church to follow that example and give more obedience and respect to God’s servant.

The man of God then went to the sermon proper, reading from Nehemiah 13 v 1-2, 6-9 and v 14. He gave his sermon the title “Normal Activity”. He then gave his testimony of his healing few days ago from whence he got his text. The enemy wanted to finish with him but the Spirit led him to reading Nehemiah 13. Nehemiah recounts what he has done for the temple and for God and tells God to remember him. This then explains “Normal activity” as is marked in the pay book of workers meaning they are effectively working and not on retirement or break.

Just as Nehemiah, Samuel could give their testimony, serving God continuously. God has created each person for a particular mission and you are in normal activity when you are accomplishing the mission God has confided you. Instead of accomplishing your mission you are looking at houses others have built, you don’t even know why you are born, always pitying yourself. As Nehemiah told the people, isn’t this behaviour that attracted God’s anger unto you? When you realise and know exactly why God has created you don’t grope, you don’t mind other people’s business or get into what does not concern you neither do you complain or self-pity yourself. God created Saul to destroy the Amalekites and so long as he was on the way to destroy them he was in normal activity. That’s why Jesus could say “I’m taking care of My Father’s business”. Each person has a mission, has his domain, his farm, his responsibility. You shouldn’t leave that to go jealous somebody else. When God wants to accelerate your vision on the mission He gave you, he takes away your father, your wife, your mother, etc and when you are alone He then talks to you. You have forgotten your mission on earth because of women, and other earthly things. You were created to praise God but how many times do you sing to God? Many give Jesus just a bicycle salute and hurry unto other things. Many are in abnormal activities. Normal activity means praising God, praying after every 3 hours if possible. God wants a people on earth who are active, really active that men notice that God is active amongst them.  Active to bring down the presence of God in your homes, workplaces, churches etc.

David did not have great victories while lying on his bed, he worked hard. William Branham did not have great victories in his bed, he worked hard ‘prayers, fasting, retreats. Normal activity today is to listen to the tapes, the Word. God told Joshua “do these things and you will succeed in everything you do”. Rather you sit and expect to reap what others have sown, brother to so and so personality or count on prayers of others. You were created so your light should shine before men and let them give glory to your Father in heaven. Each person is unique, you are special in God’s plan. You have to know that and say like David ‘I glorify you Father for I am a wonderful creature’ and follow your mission. God has made us a deposit today. The deposit of two million people was in Moses. So long as he was in the camp they had security. A special destiny awaits Cameroon and no one can stop it.

He ended by calling on the brethren to return to their normal activities for it is where God is awaiting them. The floor was then handed to Yaounde where the Pastor emphasized on some key points raised during the sermon.

Jules Pierre Moune

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