Testimony from VGRToute l'actualité

Quiet Time in Cameroon

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Douala is a port city and economic capital of Cameroon. With a population of 2.8 million people, it’s the largest city in that country. Youth ranging from adolescents to the mid-teens came from all parts of the country for Quiet Time and to encourage each other in their walk with the Lord.

“Consecrate only 5 minutes of your day to speak sincerely to our Lord Jesus. Observe the change it will produce through your day: your attitude, your state of mind, your discernment, your actions, your thoughts, your decisions, the list is endless. And if you consecrate 10 minutes? 30 minutes? One hour on 24 hours?”

From the moment the announcement was made that Bro. Joseph authorized a Young Foundations activity in Cameroon, a Quiet Time for the 13-28 young people, there was not a day without these young people rushing to the person responsible to register them. It needed 7 meetings representing about 21 hours of work to prepare this great event for a first time in Douala, site of VGR Cameroon. This was thankfully done with the collaboration of all the pastors of the city and the whole country.

Coming from the main four cities of Cameroon on the morning of June 29, 2019, we could notice the enthusiasm on the face of these young people, with Bro Kamte welcoming them at 8 o’clock, at the College Horizon of Bonadale Bonaberi. The registration went on and we counted 251 participants and chaperones. A sandwich was served for breakfast.

The opening prayer was done by Bro. Samuel Bahoya, following two songs by Bro. Josué Bamock. Bro. Kamte then said an official welcome speech, mentioning to the young people that Bro. Branham encouraged the believers of the whole world to pray all together, globally at 9am, 12pm and 3pm. Brother Joseph also felt lead to encourage every believer to participate in Quiet Time worldwide. The testimonies we read on branahm.org of what the Lord is doing with our beloved everywhere, especially here in Africa, ensured us that Quiet Time positively changes lives.

At 10am, Bro. Adolphe Kameni, proceeded with a presentation on Young Foundations and a projection of the activities happening in Jeffersonville. He also encouraged the young people to register in order to get their own YF

ID, to listen to the tapes and participate to the quizzes online at the beginning of each month. He informed them that this also allows them to register in other YF activities and being able to go to Still Waters Camps. The young people also asked questions on how to install the VGR applications on different devices and OS. There was then a distribution of booklets and tracts of VGR.

At 11am, Brother Kamte talked to the young people on the right attitude to have during the Quiet Time. There were a worship atmosphere and the young people found each one a space to consecrate and come before God. Thirty minutes later there a total calm and silence. You could only hear the birds. Quiet Time concluded at 1pm and a light meal and refreshments were served, offered by Bro. Joseph, to renew their strength. A quiz from Young Foundations followed at 2pm. They made 20 teams of 10 participants and it was noticeable that the young people know the Bible and the Message. Team 11 won that phase of the quiz and then they also had some fun games. All these activities were done in a good atmosphere, and under the control of the Holy Spirit.

Prizes were given to the winners of the quizzes and games, followed by a perfect worship with songs to the Lord. Bro Samuel Bahoya dismissed the people with a word of prayer.

This was the first time in our country, gathering 200 young people coming from everywhere together, without any worry of doctrinal differences.

A lady approached our technician at 5:30pm who was still on the spot putting the material away, when everybody had left, and asked him a few questions. She told him that in her whole life she has never seen such a group of believers being so in order, and sisters dressed decently. She wanted to know what denomination they were coming from. The answer was also strange to her, for the brother introduced her Malachi 4:5-6 and will let her know about the radio station FN 93.3 in Douala, where she can listen to the messages of the prophet William Marrion Branham.

We can declare without a doubt: Surely our Lord was on the scene. The young people are under expectation for another VGR YF meeting, Bro. Kamte telling them that they will have to be patient. Everyone was grateful to Bro. Joseph Branham for this amazing work, that he and his team accomplish worldwide.

Bro Kamte

VGR Douala, Cameroon



Jules Pierre Moune

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