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Sunday Service at Love Divine Sanctuary – 2nd Intervention: Rev. LAMBE Robinson

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The second intervention was that of Rev LAMBE Robinson from Buea. The international bomber as he is fondly called added a special touch to the service. Reading from Philippians 3 v 12 he entitled his sermon “THE PROGRAM OF GOD FOR MY LIFE”. What could be retained from this intervention?
-In destiny there is no competition so why be jealous of your neighbour? Simply because you don’t know your mission on earth. If you have eternal life you have been ordained to do a certain thing on earth and no harm can befall you while you are on the line of duty.
-The man of God insisted on the previous point so that you don’t mind other’s business as he said. Reading the prophet, “what you are, don’t be nothing else”. “I am special”, a sentence he insisted upon many times during the sermon asking the congregation to repeat it.
-When God gives you a revelation, it is my duty to stay with THAT Word not the word but THAT Word. God does not judge you on something other than what He told or sent you to do. You ought to read your name in the Bible.
-Nothing can destroy us until the purpose for which God has created us has been accomplished.
-When you are in the line of duty, you shall carry out faith actions. Just like the Shunamite woman, or Moses’ parents.

Noella NDOH

Jules Pierre Moune

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