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The Annual Age Group Congress of Yaounde 2019: the welcome speech of the President of the organizing committee

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Full of enthusiasm, courage, dynamism, eloquence, and confidence, the newly appointed president of the AAGC took control of the hall and captured the attention of all that were seated at the Restaurant number II of the University of Yaounde I. From the choice of words, manner of pronunciation and approach, one could perceive the energy and zeal that characterises the young generation. From his speech, foresight minds could perceive beyond the curtains the message of the young generation of: « yes we can also do it » « we can assure the takeover ». His salutation addressed from the greatest to the least found in the hall earned him a more attentive and anxious audience curious to hear what he is to say. He greeted the Pastor, the servants of God present, the presidents of the various Age Groups, the Permanent Follow-up Bureau of the Age Groups, the honourable invitees of the pastor, the members of Age Groups and all the invitees.

To ponder upon their legality, he cited article 3 of the internal rules and regulations of the functioning of the Age Groups.  In relations to that, on the 24th of November 2019, a team which he is heading was given the mandate to organize the 2019 AAGC.  This team was made of Baheten Christian-Clair as president, Kiam Salomon and Akam Babette as Secretaries, Eboumbou Mbale Nathalie as treasurer and Bouenguegni Bernard and Bela Odile as counselors.

In his speech, he made mention of the fact that the vision of the pastor on the stratification of the church into age groups has been perceived hear in Yahshua. The celebration of this year’s AAGC has been oriented to close to 80% on evangelization. This could be seen vividly throughout the preparatory and executive phases. In the preparatory phase, a seminar on the reinforcement of the capacity of Age Groups on evangelization, on the presentation of the End Time Message and on Christian testimonies was organized. The fruits of the seminar were vivid in the turnout and implication of Christians in the evangelization campaign that was organized as part of the AAGC activities.  The action was not to end there but was to continue to a close followup of souls that accepted Christ from counseling, through water baptism till the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

He talked of the other 20% activities that was directed to the organization of the feasting and fellowshipping day of brothers and sisters of Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle and diverse invitees.

The atmosphere in the various Age Groups in 2019 have been characterised by brotherly fellowship and the revitalization of living together

and stimulation towards a missionary church and not a resignation one. More efforts will be put in place to this missionary objective through the galvanizing of the various talents, potentials, aptitudes, in the Age Groups following their context. The revival is already launched as each age group is doing all to purchase their evangelization instruments notably the loud speaker for the diffusion of the Voice of God to the public. Concerning the autonomy of the AAGC,  progressively, equipments such as cutleries, plates, graces,food conservative utensils are being acquired.  This is a move to internally manage some years to come and toll free the AAGC. A list of service offering brothers and sisters has been open to identify those who can put their services to the disposal of the organizing committee.

He ended his speech by wishing a happy and prosperous new year 2020 to all in Jesus name and wished a continuous anointing of the Holy Spirit upon the pastor for him to continue to lead us closer to God.  He also proclaimed the engagement of all the Age Groups to be faithful to his ministry.

Celestine CHENWI

Jules Pierre Moune

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