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After this soul touching message, the last articulation of the night took over. A cocktail of various rhythmic Branhamist music was served to the public and the entire village as echoes could be heard even in the hidden corners of Nsing-madeng. Young and old talented message musicians in their peculiar styles. We can site artist like Mougam Isidore, Kalfus Bloem and the Deliverance Group ,…. who animated the night.


The D-day finally came for the burial of Mbo Mbo. The number of attendance increased more and more. Many more personalities and dignitaries could be sported seated in the well arrange site as can be seen in the pictures. All caliber of Men of God,  traditional authorities, business men and even administrative authorities were present. Everything was set, all installed, the ceremony began with the experienced coordinator Pastor Mayo Benjamin. After an outline of the program of the day, activities began with a cultural procession, dancing and singing round the yard from the first tent to where the corpse was placed. Then followed the songs service led by Brother Yogo Paul.  As spelled out in the program, the floor was given for testimonies on our late precious Mbo Mbo. Her doctor Wandja Samuel who was very instrumental in her health follow-up caught the attention of the audience with his testimony when he said « Mbo Mbo was not only preaching love, but she practiced it ».

For the special speaker of the day who was honored to bring the Word was Apostle Alossa Joseph.  He read from Ecclesiastes 12:1-12. In the short and precised sermon, he testified of the zeal, fait and how devoted Mbo Mbo was to the Lord. He continued his message on happiness. Man does all(go to school, get a job, get married) to be happy. But who actually is happy, as both the poor, rich, married, unmarried, educated, uneducated are complaining alike. Happiness don’t come from material things for as it is written, what will profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his soul. The prophet will even say » Happiness don’t come from the quantity of the things of the world we own, but the satisfaction we get from the portion given us ». All good and perfect gift comes from the Lord, and all comes from Him, but at times we cherish more the gift rather than the Giver. We therefore have to give the first position to God in our life and invest in His kingdom where it can not rust. He talked of the story of the rich man and Lazarus in the Bible to illustrate the above.

He continued by sitting the case of Mbo Mbo who has raised her children in the fear of the Lord and the results are vivid. From the above, he called on all children to love and care for their parents for the Bible promises much blessing unto that. Children should not wait to organize big funerals for their parents but care for them when they are alive.

As we don’t know what tomorrow holds, we have to prepare every moment, investing in heaven so that we can be happy there not to suffer here on earth and suffer on the other side again. God wants your soul, to have fellowship with Him, we have to believe His Word incarnated in His Son Jesus Christ.

Time came for the burial proper and this was handled  by the Host, Pastor and eldest son of the deceased, Bahoya Samuel. He read Psalm 121:1-8 and Revelations 14:13. Not being long, he thanks all those that intervened in the life and death of his mother expecially Dr Wandja Joseph, gave the modalities of burial which was strictly reserved for the family and authorised men of God. Modalities of refreshment was also give to direct the heavy populated crowd to the various buffets. The eating and drinking was just no comment as there was enough and despite the heavy attendance, there were still much leftover. Even the quality of food and drinks described the quality of person that was being mourned as in her living, she was good at quality food as can be seen in the healthiness of all her children. Many ate and nearly forgot that their cars were waiting for them to takeoff back, not to talk of those that even could not still makeup which one was their cars. It was an event worthy of the name and the presence of God in the organization and sequencing of the articulations can not be over mentioned. Yes He was in control of everything as all that came safely went back to their various destinations as no unfortunate case has been recorded as a result of this event till date. God bless you.

Celestine CHENWI

Jules Pierre Moune

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