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Often, the Pastor Bahoya Samuel usually says, « it takes Divine love to visit him in Nsing-mandeng » due to the hilly and difficult reality of the road. But since he himself is an incarnate of Divine love which he manifests to all without measure, calculation, or discrimination, men and women worldwide stormed Nsing-mandeng to pay last hommage to the mother of this great family with great Men of God. Occupying close to have the entire village, it was a giant even in this village. From the midway between Pouma and Nsing-mandeng, precisely at Nsong-Mbenge where the tar ends, works had been done till the compound at Nsing-mandeng. The road graded, signposts of indications planted, and more. The compound expecially for those who had known it before had undergone a total metamorphosis which gave Nsing-mandeng a new look. May God bless all the men and women who gave up their time, money, families, and personal preoccupations to go and reside in this village to prepare the field for the smooth running of the lay to rest of our mother. One did not need Divine love anymore to be in this village for the Divine love of God’s Servant Bahoya Samuel obliged God to take away all the obstacles so that even those that never had Divine love could make it to Nsing-mandeng.
Overcoming the tiredness from the busy week, difficult and long journey, the second official wake keep schedule for the village finally took place. It took some time for the technical team to put all in place due to the difficult realities, but with the power of God, some few minutes after 9:00pm,all was set and the ceremony began under the coordination of Pastor Mayo Benjamin. After giving the various articulations of the night, the song leader Brother Yogo Paul led the audience in adapted songs to the event. The only testimony of the night came from the former president of deacons of Love Divine Sanctuary of Douala Brother Shalom Moto, which brought a deep compassion into the hearts of the audience.
Then came the important moment of the night destined for the Word. The God chosen speaker of the night was Pastor Bele Jean-Paul. He read as text for the service Psalms 107:17-21, and 42-43. He began by reiterating that though we have come to pay last hommage to Mama Augustine, it is an opportunity for us to reflect on our outcome. For as David said « I go through the way of all men » for the way of death is for all humans if the Lord tarry. Basing his thoughts on Psalms 107, he talks of how God sends His Word to heal and deliver those who in their distress and anguish cried to the Lord. He talks of the three Kinds of illnesses that affects humans; the physical, spiritual and that of the soul. The later being different from the two former is affected by unbelief on the Word of God. Illness is a disfunctioning in an individual’s organism either in the body, spirit or soul. The difficulties encountered in healing these illnesses goes from the physical, spiritual and to that of the soul. Though being the easiest to heal because it takes just believing on the Word of God, it is the worst sickness to die with. The world as the prophet once called it is a pestifery full of all sorts of pollutions to the body, spirit and soul and the human race is suffering despite advancement in the so-called technology. Like those in Psalms 107 who discovered that they couldn’t remedy their situation and turned to God, so humanity of today have to turn to God. As written in this passage, « Then they cried unto the Lord in their troubles, and he saved them out of their distresses » so the world has to turn to the Word of God to be saved from their distresses. After the fall of man, he had no power over his life anymore but depends on God to live. Those that takes the life of God in them which is Eternal life and at one time are separated from their love ones to go and rest for they are not death. They are only sleeping and waiting for the coming of the Lord.
We are therefore suffering from different kinds of illnesses in our bodies, spirits and souls but there is remedy found in the Word of God as the Bible says in John 3:16. The Word of God made Flesh in a Man, Jesus Christ the Sacrificial Lamb for mankind that who so ever believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Our deceased mother realized this remedy and received It before her death. This same remedy has been presented to nigh, says the Man of God, for whosoever has not yet realize it, take It to secure your soul in heaven.
In each generation, God always sends His Word to bring back His people to Himself for their salvation and healing. But since He Himself cannot come down, being a Spirit, He always uses man as His agent. He chooses a man, cleans him and put His Word in him for he to proclaim not his thoughts but that of God.
God has been using His agents since the beginning of the church ages in the seven church ages from Paul for the first church age, those of the second to the sixth and today in the last church age, He is using His servant William Marrion Branham to prepare His children for the rapture, so that those that believe in this Word should not perish but have eternal life.
It is not a matter of church but you accepting the Word of God. As it is written, if you hear the Word of God, harden not your heart, let each recognize that they are sick and come for their remedy in the Word of God. Ask for your acceptance, deliverance and salvation from God in the name of Jesus Christ.