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Last Sunday Service at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle (24/11/2019)

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In honor of the Word which says, do not forsake the gathering of the assembly of God’s children, many Christians around Yaounde came to receive blessings at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle last Sunday 24th November 2019. This day had two services, the Sunday school service which began at 8am and the main service.

The Sunday school service had both the adult class and the children class. The adult class was coordinated by Brother Nzokuo Jean. After some few songs of praises by Brother Okino Prosper, the coordinator introduced the prophet in the various daily Bread of the week. He began by reading from the Bible, Ephesians 6:11 and the title of the corresponding sermon of the first day, Putting On The Whole Armor Of God 62-0607. The tape was played afterwards to the hearing of all. This was done for all the daily Bread of the week. The main lesson for this class came from the daily Bread of Friday in the sermon, God Making His Promise 56-1209A in the words: “And so, it behooves us as believers, to really not go upon any mental conception or upon some emotion, or some fantastic of something happened: “we did this or did that.” For the devil can impersonate all those things. But the only way that we’ll know that we’re saved is when we’ve met God’s conditions.”  The children class was led by Sister Asso’o Yvette who read Luke 11:28, and the sermon Divine Healing 54-1219M corresponding to the daily Bread of Sunday. The lesson that was retained by the children was in these words of the prophet: “I’m a Bible worshiper. I believe that that is God’s Word. There is nothing over It, never will be.”

The main service at the level of Yahshua began with meditation and consecration which was later followed by singing. The whole church was in adoration, praising and dancing mood as Brother Tamafouo Guillaume led the songs. It was in this mood that the Christians received the Man of God unto the pulpit from Douala.

Being very sensitive to the Holy Spirit, the Man of God began reading Job 19:23 with a prepared mind of introducing the prophet in the sermon, I know My Redeemer Liveth 54-0406S but the Holy Spirit had a different program for His children. He congratulated all those who in one way or the other contributed to the funeral of late Brother Body Tchaptchet particularly the Christians of Love Divine Sanctuary for their mobilization and organization. He used the opportunity to talk of his history with Brother Body and Jean Claude given the fact that he knew Brother Body through Brother Jean Claude. He also talked about his so closed attachment to Brother Body and all about his illness, death and funeral. He also made mention of the devotedness of late Brother Body to the Word and service to the Lord. He was once an usher in church, never absent from church, inspirer of the Building Offering, very altruistic, generous in giving and advice, and never lacking food in his house to welcome guests. He also talked of the wife of being so welcoming and called on the Christians to always remember her and her family in their prayers, particularly the son who is having some problems with his job. He then read from 2 Samuel 1:19-27 to lament the departure of his two companions, brothers Jean Claude and Body, which is so difficult for him to bear.

Following then the prescriptions of the Holy Spirit, he was led to read for the sermon of the day, Job 38:1-13 and 40:1-2.  He began by saying we have to know our priorities. He took the example of part of his Life Story, how being a youth, full of ambitions and having the opportunity of being a student abroad did not turn down the call he was feeling in his heart for service unto the Lord and the desire of leading his brethren back here in Africa and Cameroon in particular to the Lord. He even turned down many other opportunities of obtaining a foreign nationality with his family, particularly that of becoming an American just because he wanted to do service to the Lord and to brethren that the Lord had given him. He also talked of Brother Kodo Gerber who was captured into the ministry in Obala after going there for different reasons and circumstances.

The Pastor continued by saying that we are little in miniature creators. We become what we eat, thinks, talk, hear, see and do by creating it in our environment. He proceeded by reading some quotations from the prophet’s sermons to better enlighten the Christians on the impact of the atmosphere they create around them. He began by reading from the sermon Divine Love 56-0826, paragraphs 47 and 48. He said we should be thermostats and not thermometers. Thermostats commands and determines the temperature in an environment while thermometers only indicate the temperature in an environment. No matter the temperature in your life, home, jobsite, wallet, business, you can regain normal temperature as long as you are aware of your status as an in miniature creator. He referred the Christians to the Exposition of the Seven Church Ages page 64 where it is written “Don’t fear, John. Don’t fear, little flock. All that I am, you are heir to. All mu power is yours. My omnipotence is yours as I stand in your midst. I have not come to bring fear and failure, but love and courage and ability. All power is given unto Me and it is yours to use. You speak the Word and I will perform it. That is my covenant and it can never fail.”  But he said, believers do not accept it, not to say apply the above covenant. We have to receive the Word of God as it comes to us and we should not put anything between us and the Word. Not even our job, wife, husband, mother, father, troubles should stand between us and the Word.

When we come to church, we should be focus and be in the spirit because we do not know when the Lord can locate us to resolve our expectation. It can be during the meditation period, during adoration and praises, during the preaching of the Word or even during the last prayer. It depends on the atmosphere we create around us and our faith towards God. The Pastor cited the example of Billy Paul who received his healings by listening to the tape till the end and only had the touch at the end of the tape. God is in His Word as it was pronounced 40years by His prophet and it was accomplished. When God has it in his thought, the prophet professes it, and I believe, the situation is settled. When you come to church with a correct mind-set, your thoughts will be expressed by the preacher. A spiritual man is like the wind, he don’t know where he is coming from or where he is going to because he is being led by the Spirit of God.

The Pastor turned to another sermon of the prophet to read for the church. This was the sermon Divine Love 57-0503, paragraph 17. He said, when you are praying for someone, you have to project divine love towards him and put yourself in his situation for him to be healed. Even when you reproach somebody (your wife, husband, a brother or sister), put divine love towards him and the vocabulary of reproach will change. What you look like, the atmosphere around you will either attract people around you or distance them from you because only birds of a feather will flock together. He also read from the sermon, Awake Jesus 63-0117, paragraph 24. There are people who create convivial atmosphere around themselves, but people are not happy being around others due to the atmosphere they create around them. If you wish to change the atmosphere around you, seek God for He is willing to help you create a convivial atmosphere of love around you. He also read from the sermon, Identification 63-2301, paragraph 42. Your character makes you what you are. If you can imagine what God thinks of you, you can demand death to fall on you. But he has made a way out through His son Jesus Christ. He is a devouring fire, but he is also a merciful Father. Character is not a gift but a victory as said by the prophet in the Exposition of the Seven Church Ages. It is not by prayers but by your determination to change, correcting your character. As written in Proverbs……., you have to correct your character as you correct that of a child.

He also read from the sermon, Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel 63-0630E, paragraphs 148 to 152.Love produces love and anger produces bitterness. We have to create a lovely atmosphere around us. Be all filled with the Love of God. Divine love is not sentimental. It is different from filial love, friendship. Divine love is both praising and corrective as the one Paul professed unto the Galatians. That’s why the Bible says, the chastisement by a righteous man is better than the praises of a foul. Agapao love doesn’t look upon your statue, body, race, color, you don’t mind only your own business, but you care for the others, it is far from canal love.

We have to be sincere when we confess our sins to God so that effectively, He should forgive and send to His Sea of forgetfulness. When God forgive you, it can never surface again in a vision or dream, not even to His prophet.

We can decide to create a different environment or atmosphere around us. If we want to reap love, we should sow love. We should not be members of evildoers club, clan or association. When you find yourself in an environment of people who pollute with evil thoughts, you either through your capability to create a lovely environment change the atmosphere or you simply leave that environment. What atmosphere do we Christians create in our homes, jobsite, classrooms, market, on the street and everywhere? We should be creators of lovely, friendly, peaceful, and healthy atmospheres. Pastor Mayo Benjamin was then call up to pray for the entire church and intercede for the Christians and the pastor made the last prayer. May the Lord bless your reading.

CHENWI Celestine

Jules Pierre Moune

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