Ferdinand and Pauline Tie The Knot
Views: 56
(Sat.9.11.2019, LDS / DLA)
-Text read: Mt.19: 3-5
-Officiating Minister: Rev. Pastor Robinson LAMBE.
Despite the omnipresent grief, this Saturday, November 09, 2019, the Love Divine Sanctuary of DOUALA vibrated to the rhythm of the marriage of the couple TCHOUBOU Ferdinand-MOKO Pauline, the latter being better known under the name of MAKANG Pauline.
The lavish state ceremony in the morning at the City Hall of Logbaba, gave place to the religious phase at 2:00pm.
Reverend Pastor Robinson LAMBE came from BUEA to officiate in the place of Reverend Pastor Samuel BAHOYA at the time in Paris where he had to celebrate another marriage that same day, proceeded first to the reception of the groom then the bride on the porch of the church, in a decoration of languorous songs of circumstance and parades of boys and maids of honour.
And when everyone had taken their place, we could move on to the service of the Word: greetings, introductory word, anecdotes and expressions to maintain the festive atmosphere, everything was there.
Then reading Matthew 19: 3-5, to get down to business, the speaker asked the young couple straight away if the two protagonists had spoken enough, and if they had mutually forgiven each other, because the act who was going to be asked was called to be irreversible, God ruling out any possibility of divorce in the New Testament.
« To be able to speak to young people who want to get married, » said Pastor Robinson, « it is not enough to have read books and to have prepared a beautiful sermon, you must have touched this thing.
With my 44 years of marriage to date, and in connection with what the Lord has put to my heart especially for these two newlyweds, namely that « Errors, trials, fights should not cause « annoyance or grudges », there are things that I think I can say or remember to them as well as to old couples.
Those who marry have great advantages over singles, but marriage is difficult, prompting the Apostle Paul to warn that the bride and groom will have tribulations.
These difficulties can be explained by the fact that you, the boy, have lived a certain way since your childhood, taking good and bad habits, you the girl you have lived in another way, taking also good and bad habits, and now God expects you two to be one flesh.
That is why each day must be for you an opportunity for learning, each one revealing gradually to the other such or such trait of his character, during the debate on this or that file which is now common to you: the bedroom in general, the matrimonial bed, the toilets, the meals, etc., and each time it will be necessary for you both to adjust in order to reach the common ground, and speak the same language.
Even our Bridegroom Jesus said to us, « Carry your cross and follow me, » because He wants God and man to become one again in the beginning.
Some of you have been in the faith for 30 to 40 years, 3 times a week, but Jesus Christ still blames them, so it’s so hard to think about God. so that, so that this woman may one day reflect your image to you her husband, you will need a lot of time, work and patience, because every day you will have to make readjustments on your own character.
Indeed, it is not by authoritarianism or dictatorship that you will show yourself superior to your wife, but it will be by character, by posing responsible acts: you know what can annoy your wife, you also know what who can rejoice, it’s up to you to press the right button.
According to Proverbs 21: 9, it is women who are anointed with quarrels, and such an anointing can only be overcome by the anointing of God, the anointing of love.
Since the woman is a by-product and not an original product like the man, she must be spared, there is great work to be done on her so that she can rise to the image of her husband.
Jesus gives us the example of this care in not holding us rigor, since He has given us grace: we are saved by grace, we go out and return in peace by grace etc …
Only God Who pulled this woman from you can bring you closer to each other, if only you pray to Him saying, « Lord, give me the heart to support my wife, » and « Lord, give my heart to support my husband. »
Young man, consider that today this woman has become your new sister and you her new brother, so be always together, and that his family also become your family, and your family his.
Never accept that there is enmity between you and your in-laws: whatever people say, you man, love your wife, her parents her brothers and sisters, and you wife, love your husband, his parents, his brothers and sisters: when you are animated with love towards someone, even if he is a sorcerer he is disarmed before you.
Here you have Mr and Mrs MOTO, or Mr and Mrs TINA, who are couples that you can take as a model.
Avoid talking to sharp offensive words, because there are words that, once released, it is very difficult to repair.
Stay attached to Jesus Christ, have Him constantly before you, and He will be your Protector, your Defender, … and you will live happily.
God bless your union, and God bless us all! »
After this poignant Speech of circumstance followed by a song and the word of prayer of Reverend Pastor Charles Anicet TINA, the rest of the ceremony took place at the run:
-Ritual matters:
« Who gives this girl in marriage? »
« Have the family formalities been fulfilled? »
« Is there anyone who, for one reason, would want to oppose this marriage? »
« Are you both married, do you know anything that would normally prevent your marriage from taking place? »
Since the answers to these questions were considered satisfactory, the process was able to continue.
-Reading the civil marriage certificate,
-Verification of the mutual consent of the bride and groom,
– Making reciprocal commitments before God, before His people and before the pastor,
-Birthing of the rings by the pastor, and their mutual placement by the bride and groom,
– Inaugural kiss,
-Song from the age group « Triumphant for Christ », and special songs,
-Final prayer and exit of the bride and groom,
-Shot photos,
-Reception at the home of the newlyweds.
Noella NDOH