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Last Sunday Service at Love Divine Sanctuary (03/11/2019)

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The Christians at LDS once more respected their rendez-vous with their Lord despite the heavy downpour that morning. After the praise service led by brother Paul Yogo, Rev ESSOH KOUM took the floor to give details on the burial programme of our late brother Papa Moussinga. The microphone was handed to Yaounde where was found our pastor Rev BAHOYA Samuel.

Two sisters gave thanksgiving ti God for His goodness in their lives. Commenting o,n that, Rev BAHOYA Samuel said it is always good to thank God and give testimonies of His actions in our life to encourage others. He went on to talk about not being deceived by God’s mercies. You may think you are in communion with God because of His grace in your life but in reality, you are not. Judas Iscariot though a demon, was amongst the 72 that casted demons in Jesus name. This was due to the influence of the environment in which he found himself (with Jesus). However, when the time came to manifest his true nature, he betrayed Jesus. So we should not confuse God’s goodness for His approval.

Revelations 22 v 11-12 says “Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done”. There is no policeman behind you but the spirit of God. Luke 13 v 24-27 It is good to reflect on your life and make peace with God now before you hear “depart from me, workers of iniquity” when nothing can be done. Keep the Word between the devil and you.

 Exodus 12 v 1-7, Philippians 2 v 12, 7 v 15, Ephesians 6 v 5. Serve your masters with fear and respect and sincerity of heart. Some people profit of the fact that their bosses are brethren in Christ to disrespect them but that should not be. In the same light, when Paul said he does not permit a woman to preach or take authority over the man it does not limit to church. Even at home, the woman has to respect her husband which is her head. The long hair on the woman represents the authority of another. If you disrespect her husband and lead by the nose, even if you have physically kept long hair before God you have shaved your hair.

After introducing the prophet of the age, the tape on the sixth seal was listened for 30 minutes after the service was concluded by a prayer from Rev MAYO Benjamin.

Noella NDOH


Jules Pierre Moune

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