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Last Sunday Service at Love Divine Sanctuary (15/09/2019)

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The service at Love Divine Sanctuary sunday morning was a continuation of the series on the seven seals. The initial program was postponed to the next sunday reason being the burial of late Rev Lys of Congo. Our pastor Rev Samuel BAHOYA led the Cameroonian delegation to Congo where he preached on Sunday morning at the church of Rev Massamba Gregoire.

Brother Joses Motto led the congregation into a wonderful praise service after which Rev Essoh Koum took the floor to call for a prayer for our pastor on the field of mission. After some announcement of general interest, he handed the floor to the prophet of the age William Marion Branham who, in a message entitled « the fourth seal », through a tape preached in 1963 explained the book of Revelations to the Bride as revealed to him by Christ. The prophet began with a word of prayer then read Revelations 6 v 7-8. What could be retained from this tape is the ownership title which was lost by man through sin was redeemed by Christ and sin was cast back to its original owner, that is, Satan. The blood of Jesus is the solvent for sin, man can then enter into the presence of God for the blood has not only covered your sins but has forgiven them entirely. Wine represents the simulation of revelation, that is, the joy that is produced upon you by the Holy Spirit. Revelation is a power for it stimulates the believer. Rev Essoh Koum then dismissed the assembly after one hour of listening to the tape.

Noela NDOH

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Jules Pierre Moune

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