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Last Sunday Service at Love Divine Sanctuary

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The bright skies over Douala this Sunday morning permitted the brethren to gather in church in all tranquillity. Brother Paul YOGO led the praise after which our pastor Rev Samuel BAHOYA took the floor. He started with announcements of general interest exhorting brethren to pray for the sick especially Brother Fergusson, a great asset for the Voice of God Recordings whose health is being tried by the enemy. He also mentioned the marriage celebration that took place in Mbanga the previous day, congratulating the couple and organisers for the record time in which things were done (preaching began at 3:00 pm and ceremony, gifts, photos, etc was over by 5:20pm).

He apologised to the church for not being able to pray for the recent weddings. Faced with some personal (family) trials, battles and pains, he preferred not to pray for the newly wedded lest he transmit them that anointing that has been around him recently. This also permitted him to observe how things will be done if he were no longer on the scene. I have obliged myself to celebrate all marriage engagements but not necessarily the wedding ceremonies proper, he said. This permits me to know all the couples in the assembly and avoid confusions.

He went on to address the issue of brethren who share amongst themselves extracts of Pentecostal preaching. Condemning the act, he said that we should not only look at the good words but behind every word there is the anointing of the speaker. Either the tree us good and its fruit good or they are both bad. Most of these pastors hide and rea the prophet Branham’s preaching and preach the same mixed with their ideas.

If you have a problem with your brother take him aside and speak to him as prescribed in Matthew 18. Do not backbite him. After reading Revelations 6 v 3-4, the man of God introduced the tape on the second seal. When God wanted to create fish, he spoke to water. Hence if you remove fish from water it dies. This is because water is the natural habitat of the fish. Same goes for the tree and the earth. In the same light if a man is disconnected from God he dies, because God is man’s natural habitat. When God wanted to create man, he spoke to Himself. After the fall of man, God came to earth in human form, born of a virgin to be our parent Redeemer. The Second Seal preached by the prophet William Branham was listened for an hour, after which the brethren worshipped God thanking Him for His mercy and goodness. It is on that note that the pastor pronounced the last prayer and dismissed the assembly.

Noella NDOH

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