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Last Sunday Service at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle (06/10/2019)

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YAHSHUA HAMASHIA Tabernacle on Sunday the 6th of October was again jam-packed with Christians in and around Yaounde who came once more to listen to the Voice of God. After 30 minutes of meditation, the songs leader, Brother TAMAFOUO Guillaume led the Christian in a joyful worship and praise unto God. The pulpit was later handed to the Man of God who began by giving some announcements notably that on the land purchase and issues surrounding the site in Douala and the prospects for this land.  He then turned to the Word and read from the Bible Psalms 29:1-11 and both the reader and the hearers were all blessed. Under the topic: “The Voice of God”, the Man of God went ahead to say that, the  Voice of God is a solution to all our problems as It makes the barren to conceive, heals the sick, give strength to the week, reconcile people, make the poor rich, create new organs in people, for God is still doing great things. He told his audience that the Lord is on the throne looking on all that is happening on earth and permits certain things to happen for a reason. But Satan always come to deceive us and distracts us from the promises of God. If God created us, He should equally master our situation for He is Alpha and Omega. The same energy that was with Him in the beginning when He said let there be light, fishes in the see, trees on the mountain, and it came to past, is the same today in the Voice of God. We just have to push the button Play, for the Spirit goes with the Word and we shall see the glory of the Lord. The prophet in the sermon: “Listen to His Voice” talked of Daniel who in the land of Babylon desired to hear the Voice of God to save their lives. Those that are faithfully thought will see the light shine on their ministry for the others who don’t yet know the importance of saying only what the Messenger has said. God has only one Voice and It is this Voice that will remove all the spiritual and physical marks to present to God a Bride without marks and wrinkles. When the Voice of God is sounding, It is discerning everybody, delivering from sins, iniquity, ancestral and family spirits. As Paul commanded the woman not to take authority over the man, so also the church which types the woman should not take authority over the Word which is Christ. Because of the many interpretations bringing about various doctrines of thunders, millennium, rapture, the Voice of God is disappearing amongst us. The Voice of God has become strange in Message churches today because preachers have kept It aside and only use it to support their opinions that suits them and preach a passed Branham. In all the Messengers to the seven church ages, only two were prophets, Paul and Branham. Many brothers and sisters listen to Pentecostal preachers and if listening to a preacher gives more anointing than listening to the prophet, then something must be wrong somewhere. We are obliged to listen only to one voice for the Spirit has just one Voice which is that of God. To demonstrate better, the Pastor took quotations from some sermons such as “Accusation” and “The Spoken Word is the Original Seed” to talk of the prophets wish that both those that hear this Voice directly or through tapes that are going round the world may be prepared for the rapture and that in the country over yonder, may they all run to him and embrace him saying, precious brother, we heard the Voice in those tapes. When you are listening to the Voice of God praying that God should put you in the right tune, and you find the right frequency, the very God who took the prophet to see when He was sending Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden will make him see you today. Happy is the servant who when the master comes back will find him waiting, he will get in and will take the servant to table and will serve him. When we receive the Word, the anointing that is in the Voice of God will make everything that we say to come to past for as it is said in the “Exposition of the Seven Church Ages” page 50, ‘not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit  says the Lord of Hosts’. It goes same for evangelization in this end time. When the Voice of God is sounding in churches, roadsides, offices, homes, the children of God recognizes this Voice just as the eagle’s chick recognized the voice of its mother. The Voice of God as read in Psalms 29 does not only separate the mountains for separation sake but to let you go through for It separates even waters for You. He therefore called on the various Age Groups to buy their loud speakers in order to go evangelize in streets by pressing Play.    To conclude the morning shift of the service, the Pastor let us into the listening of the prayer he made on the day of the dedication of Love Divine Sanctuary in which he dedicated it to the prophet and to the listening of the  Voice of God. Dismissing the audience for a break, he promised all that

God will help them catch the vision of where He is leading them into the  listening of the tapes after the break.

The break came and gone and the afternoon service began with praises that ushered the Pastor to the pulpit once more. After building upon the foundation as written in Ephesians 2:20, since Thursday from the Servants meeting, it was now time to ‘let the cat out of the bag’. The Man of God read from Genesis 11:5-6 to kick-start the afternoon service. He likened this text to two similar sermons of the prophet: “The Oneness of Unity” 58- 0128 and “United under One Head” 58-0326. He went ahead to read from the sermon; “Trying to Render God a Service out of His Will” 65-0718M, paragraph 187, where the prophet talked of Moses who was the one speaking to the children of Israel after being vindicated by God through the Pillar of Fire and being sure he was the servant of God to lead them out of Egypt. Before entering the Promised Land, Moses told them, the words I have announced to you, I take as witness against you today, heaven and earth. If you add anything or remove a word, you will not abide in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. In turn, the prophet warned the end time believers in the Name of Jesus Christ,  neither to add even one thing, nor remove or put their own ideas. Simply say what is said on the tapes. Do exactly what the Lord your God have commanded you to do. Add nothing to it. The Pastor said, if we all listen to the Voice of God, there shall be no groups of made in this or that pastor but made in Christ Jesus. We shall become one people, same language and same sermons or tapes. The Lord wants us to multiply and fill the earth, but we form little groups around pastors and remain under them. The choosing of the tape to listen has to be led by the Holy Spirit. The seven seals, thunders, voice of the rapture are all found in the tapes. Pastors have build alters around themselves and placed boundaries. He went ahead to say, Brother Branham even laid his hands on brothers into the Tape-Boy ministry. We are not seeking for numbers but for the lost sheep that will hear the Voice of God and recognize. Let us not mix the Voice of God with other voices such as that of Pentecostal preachers, for mixture brings death. We have to choose one husband that will bring to maturity our seed. As the service drew near to the end, the Pastor brought the children of God deeper and closer to God. He then let the Christians to a solemn engagement unto the Voice of God by asking two questions:

Are there brothers and sisters who want to consecrate themselves only to the listening of the Voice of God?

Are there brothers and sisters, who want to open their spiritual matrices only to the listening of the Voice of God, but think that they can not and need the Lord to help them do it, to listen in intensity and fullness till they can reach to that level of marriage with Christ?

Nearly all the Christians opted and engaged for the second question which led the Pastor to pray for the grace of God upon all who opted, to help them to be faithful to the Voice of God as they have just engaged. He went further to tell the church that the Tape Ministry is a worldwide ministry and Christians should just follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. They should not seek to understand by their imaginations, for as the prophet says, understanding cancels faith. He ended by saying; we have long been fed by raven preachers, but now that the waters have dried-up, we have to go to the food that God has prepared for us in the tapes. A series of testimonies came up to thank God and edify more the brethren, after which the Pastor gave the last prayer.



Jules Pierre Moune

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