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Last Sunday Service at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle (10/11/2019)

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On Sunday the 10th of November 2019, Christians gathered once more at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle for the usual Sunday service. The day began at 8:00 am with the Sunday school, both the adult and the children classes. The adult class was coordinated by Brother Nzokuo Jean. To introduce the prophet in the various daily Bread of the week, he read from the Bible, Proverbs 4:26 and the title of the corresponding sermon of the first day, Unbelief Does Not Hinder God 62-0128M. The tape was played afterwards to the hearing of all. This was done for all the daily Bread of the week. The main lesson for this class came from the daily Bread of Thursday in the sermon, Let Your Light So Shine Before Men 61-0903 in the words: “The only way we see Christ is when He reflects in each other. I see Christ in you. You see Him in me. That’s how we watch Christ.”  The children class was led by Sister Asso’o Yvette who read Psalms 3:8 corresponding to the daily Bread of Sunday with the sermon title, Speak To The Rock. The lesson for the Children was that: God loved baby Jacob and hated Esau; we can’t do anything to save ourselves because God had saved us and He saves those He wants, with no condition. The main service began at 9:30 pm with consecration and meditation. This was followed after 30 minutes by worship and praises led by Brother Tamafouo Guillaume. There was also a testimony by the Bwengeny’s family on how God miraculously helped the wife out of persecution by the colleagues and her former boss at the jobsite which almost made her lost her job. The president of the deacons, Brother Ombang Christian climbed the pulpit to introduce the prophet in the sermon, Questions And Answers On The Seals 63-0324M. He read three passages from the Bible, Revelation 1:8, Revelation 21:6 and Malachi 4:5-6. The tape was played from the 1st paragraph to the 69th paragraph. The following paragraphs drew the attention of this news script while inviting the readers to get details from the sermon Itself.

The service began with a brother speaking in tongues and another interpreting giving a clear message calling on the brethren to keep their lamps filled with Oil in order to keep them burning and “press on forward; towards the mark of the high calling of Christ.” In paragraph 4, the prophet says “And-and we are now coming up to the last Seal, tonight, the Lord willing. And It’s a very mysterious Seal, very, very, because It’s not even-It’s not even mentioned in the Scriptures nowhere, no symbols, anything to hold onto. It’s got to come right direct from Heaven. From paragraphs 5 to 9, the prophet of how he has consecrated himself upon the revelation of the Seals that has made him spends 8 days in a room. Though many Christians were asking questions and seeking to have interview with him, he made it clear that he do not want to do many things at a time in order not to be distracted for he is focused on the revelation of the will of the Lord in the Seals. The interviews, healing service, answers to questions have therefore their own moment.

In paragraph 10, 11 and 12, I quote: “But, look, just let me just say this now. I suppose this is just tapes for ourselves, and so forth. But let me say it, see. That,

you-you don’t…You don’t get it see, and you’re not supposed to get it. So don’t try to interpret anything, see. Don’t try to put your interpretation to it; you only-you only get further away. Just get my advice, if you believe me now, if God has- has given me favor in your sight.

And you know, that them revelations and things. I-I been here with you a long time, see, and it’s always been right. And now to double prove it, right, it hooks right with the Word. See? So, you know It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD. That’s exact. See, It’s proved to you.

Now take my advice, as your brother. Don’t put your own interpretation to anything. You just go on and live a good Christian life. Cause, you’ll only wind yourself away from the real thing when you do it. See?  You, you’ll only wind your way again away from the thing.”  From paragraphs 15 to 25, the prophet continue to advice the Christians not to add their own interpretation to what is being revealed to them but to remain humble and simple  being just real Christians.  In paragraph 26, he says: “You see, now, there is something taking place in this room, and there is something here. There is-there is, actual, in this room, Angles, Voice of God. See? But how do you…You can’t…If you can’t hear the natural voice, without something to send it out, how you are going to hear the spiritual Voice?” he continues in paragraph 28, “ Now, the Spirit of God, when it speaks through the true Word, It vindicates Itself, to show Itself, that It’s right.”  The prophet went forward to pray and seek God’s grace for the interpretation and answering of the questions. In paragraph 32, the prophet explains why the tapes are controlled as he says: “See, the tapes has a worldwide ministry everywhere, see, everywhere. It goes into all kinds of languages and everything.” So not everything can be send out.

In paragraph 35, the prophet says: “Of all the times that I’ve been behind the pulpit at the tabernacle, I have never, never, in any time of my ministry, ever worked into the realms of God and spiritual realms as been this time; beyond anything I ever did in any time of my ministry, in any meeting anywhere, like this. Mostly, it’s on healing. This is revealing of Truths, by the same Spirit, same Spirit.” In paragraph 42, the prophet gets to answer the first question, “Are the five wise virgins, of Matthew 25, attendants to the-to the Bride, or are they the Bride? See? If these wise virgins are attendants to the Bride, where are the Bride?

The prophet says it was only a symbol by using the number of five wise and five foolish virgins to signify those that had Oil in their lamps and those that did not have. The number of the wise virgins is composed of all the Bride throughout the Church ages from the Ephesus Church Age to this Laodicea Church Age. In paragraph 52, he says: “You see, each one of these ages only take a dip into the Holy Spirit. Justification is a work of the Holy Spirit; Sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit; but the baptism is the Holy Spirit. That’s the reason it took a Prophetic Prophet to come down. No messenger to the age, ’cause the Holy Ghost came Himself, in His fullness of the baptism.” Those virgins were just part of the virgins in

that age and each age has the virgins.

In paragraph 64, he says there first come a Church ages and then the message to that ages. He accounts on how the Holy Spirit has been leading in the teaching of the Word to the Christians. First on the church ages, then the history laid down in the Nicaea council and the pre-Nicaea council and everything that could be found in history and found that the correct interpretation of the Word was exactly with the history. This was brought right down to this Laodicea age. He continues in paragraph 66, “Now we come back with the seals, and open that Seal. God opens that Seal for us. What’s that? First, there’s a messenger, church age; next is the seven Seals.” In paragraph 67, he talks of the corruption that hits the seventh church age, but the Seventh Seal doesn’t reveal anything, because at the end of that church age, a prophetic gift will be given to reveal these things. In paragraph 68, he talks of the three questions that were asked Jesus about His return: “When will these things be? What will be the sign of Your Coming? And what’s the end of the world?”  On one of the questions, he says “What, when will these things be, ‘there won’t be one stone on another’? When will this be taken down, this religious center of the world, and another be setup? See, when will it be?” Antichrist ride! See? And what went out to meet it? The Word, the Word against the word.” The listening of the day ended in paragraph 69 where the prophet explains the working of the antichrist spirit down to the Fourth Seal where it becomes a conglomeration and took the name of ‘Death’.

The president of the deacons once more mounted the pulpit and led the Christian to worship, adoration and prayers. He then gave some few announcements with the principal one being the passing away of the mother of our pastor, BAHOYA Samuel.

Celestine CHENWI


Jules Pierre Moune

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