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NEWS – Evangelization Campaign of Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle At the Etoug-ebe High School Neighborhood

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After heavy preparations and the pre-campaign, Friday the 3th of January 2020 saw the effective implementation of the crusade. Under the theme “A SOUL IS WORTH MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND WORLDS”, Etougebe High School neighborhood received  the visitation of the Voice of God. Early in the morning, the site was busy with the Spiritual and Logistic commissions preparing the site and doing the last minutes adjustments. Progressively, as Christians arrived, teams were constituted and send to the field for door to door evangelization, distribution of tracks and invitation of souls to the listening of the Voice of God later in the day. While in the field,the musical team, the protocol team, and servants of God  were on the site animating with songs, playing of the tape ” Hear His Voice”, receiving, orientating and testifying to those that were invited respectively. The spiritual food for the crusade to the invited souls was enriched with tracks such as: The Dreadful Day Of The Lord; The Promise Of A Prophet In The Last Days; In The Name Of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit;( in French and English) and other sermon books.

With all the mobilization done, the second part of the campaign which was reserved for worship and praise, opening speech, introduction of the prophet, listening and watching of a tape, and the altar call began. After the songs and the opening speech,the real moment began with the introduction of the prophet by Brother Ombang Christian. He read from Amos 3:7 to tell his audience that God does nothing without first revealing it to His prophets. To know God’s plans therefore, a man has to listen to the prophets  of God and particularly to that of his  time. God is more than willing to save His people and can only do that through another man which He makes His prophets since He is a spirit . He made it clear that when God wants to bless the world,  He uses a prophet to announce same as when  he wants to punish. He brought out examples from the Bible beginning with that of Noah.  Noah preached for 120 years but those of his time neglected his message and perished. They never paid attention to him because they were seeing no sign of rain forgetting to know God promises may tarry for a time but never fails.  Also, those that resisted Moses’s message were either inflicted with calamities or were swallowed by the earth.

As the world was destroyed by waters in the time of Noah, God has promised to destroy the earth at the end by fire. This dreadful day of the Lord will certainly come to past.  But since God will not punish without warning through His prophets as He did in the time of Noah,  He had

promised to send a prophet in Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 to warn the world. God has always prepare a way of escape and announce it through His prophets for those who will listen to them. William Marrion Branham is therefore the prophet of our age that God has send with the saving message for us.  To vindicate His Word in this prophet, he photographed Himself through the Pilar of Fire on  him.  This same Pilar of Fire led the children of Israel out of Egypt through the desert.  God has used him to reveal His Word and has done many signs and wonders. He ended by calling and challenging the public to bring all their problems to God as they watch and listen to the prophet.  The videotape of the sermon “The Deep Calleth To The Deep” was played for the public. The public watch and listened with curiosity and anxiety the preaching by the prophet and the signs and wonders that accompanied the Word through the discernment and healings.

With the anointing everywhere in the site from the prophet’s message, Brother Lingok Emmanuel came in to situate and contextualise the prophet’s message to the public.  He told his audience that,  the same God who discern thoughts and healed in that video is the same that is present right there in the site. God knows their situation and is ready to save us.

They should not reject His call to repentance because it may be late just as those that rejected the message of Noah and perished. They should cease the opportunity that God is offering them to escape that dreadful day of the Lord. Touched by the Word of God, 23 souls answered to the altar call and were prayed for and send to the servants of God present for orientation and follow-up.  Another call was launched for those that were sick and other related problems.  Many came up and were prayed upon by Brother Ombang and other servants of God. The crusade brought satisfaction and joy on both the organisers (Yahshua christians) and the beneficial (those that accepted Christ) and glory was given to the Lord Almighty.

Celestine CHENWI


Jules Pierre Moune

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