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Sunday school at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle (29/09/2019)

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The 29 of September 2019 was yet another Sunday at YASHUA HAMASHA Tabernacle as elsewhere in the world. At 7:30 AM, the doors to the temple were already opened for the Sunday School. The Adult and the Children classes went on simultaneously at the down floor and at the balcony respectively. The Adult class was led by Brother NZOKUO Jean who after reading from the bible Isaiah 64: 8,  proceeded by the reading of the Daily Bread of the week drawn from the prophet’s sermons. The main lesson of this class came from the sermon Faith Cometh By Hearing, 54-0320 in the following words of the prophet: “But if you just rely on hope, you hinder faith. Now, hope looks for something, way off. But faith claims it right now. See? Faith says, “God said so and its mine.” That settles it. See?” At the level of the Children class, Sister ASSO’O Yvette continued with the teachings of the previous Sunday. She read from Ephesians 6:1-4 under the theme: How Can I Obey My Parents?   The lesson that was carried home was “I obey my parents by following their instructions”
    At the end of the Sunday School, another 30 minutes of silence and meditation in preparation for the next service was observed. Then followed worship and praises led by Brother NANTA Samuel. There was also an inspirational special song sang by Sister/Brother MAKENG Eldad and Obed on the occasion of their 18th and 13th birth days respectively.

CHENWI Celestine

Jules Pierre Moune

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