Sunday Service at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle (05/01/2020)
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The busy atmosphere of the world involve in the period between the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year did not allow the children of God indifferent but the difference lied in the type of activities that each group was involved in. It was a busy week for the Christians of Yahshua Tabernacle Yaoundé as all attention was turned to their Evangelization Campaign, Annual Age Group Congress and the Message of the Year. Though physically exhausted, all the Christians turnout in their numbers to be part of the blessed message. The scenes were set,songs were sang led by Brother Mayo Théophile and the Man of God was received on stage. He began by praising how fellowship is good. The Bible says,it is good and pleasant for God’s Children to dwell together (Psalms 133:1), where two or three are gathered in my name (Matthew 18:20), where the carcase are,there the eagles gather( Matthew 24:28). After dedicating a child to God,he made a retrospect on the events of the last two weeks that has seen God’s children gathering together fellowshiping with one another particularly the Annual Age Group Congress celebration in Douala and Yaoundé. He was really impressed with the organization, participation and celebration of these events. As a special sermon, the Man of God under the leadership of the Holy Spirit prepared a balanced diet of a pastoral and a prophetic message to the church.
Reading from Acts of the Apostles chapter 2 from verse 42 to 47, the Man of God invited the children of God to come and dine under the topic « TOGETHERNESS ».
He then spoke from one aspect to the other that strengthens togetherness and fellowship. He also read 1Peter 2:25 to back up his message. He exhorted Christians to continue to listen to the Voice Of God for everything concerning their bodies, spirit,and soul are found in It as specified in Malachi 4:5-6,Luke 17 and Revelation 10:7. Christians should not be afraid to profess the gospel and Its prophet.
As concerns fellowship, he told Christians to be one another’s keeper like those of the old who had everything in common, helping the needy, and each other benefiting from others. It’s for this reason that he wish to toll free the Annual Age Group Congress but to open it to freewill donations so that the abundance of some can cover the lacks of others. He told Christians to be steadfast in fellowship.
He also talked of brotherly love and relationship. He called on those who are serving other brethren to do that in fear and trembling for it is respect due to him as a child of God. He referred to Matthew 18 to teach Christians on how to treat each other. They should love one another as Christ has loved them and talk talk to the other wit truth and love. If anything (job,friend, desire) wants to distance you from the Word of God, it should be kept aside for as Christ says,it is better to enter the Kingdom of God with one eye,ear,hand,leg, than not to with all your parts. Christians should therefore live a sanctified life worthy of the Gospel. Christians should considered reconciliation and forgiveness. Both the offender and the offended are suppose to seek for peace when there is a misunderstandings between brethren for the Bible says as much as possible, seek peace with all,but truth should be professed in love. As we pray against the spirits of nuisance, it is not against brothers and sisters but against this enticing and influencing spirits on man as we David was saying in Psalms 101. If you take your offering to the altar and discover you have a problem with your brother, leave it there and go fix it before you come offer your offerings. Christians should discern spirits and have a mastery of themselves. It’s for this reason that a church without the nine gifts is paralyzed as the prophet puts it, though Christians are the ones fighting against these gifts manifested by brethren. He concluded the first part of the sermon by reading from the sermon The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals, paragraph 85
[07/01 à 10:08 PM] CHENWI CELESTINE: Sunday Service at YHT,continuation of the Sermon
As transition into the other part of the sermon though still on pastoral message, the Man of God read Leviticus 21:8. The first part of the pastoral message was on brethren to brethren relationship and the second part was on brethren to pastor relationship. The Bible tells us to look upon the high priest (pastor) as Holy for he offers the bread of our God. Christians in no way have to fine fault or wrong in their pastor. Whether in wrong or right,he is accountable only to God who established him. Christians are to look upon the Word of God rather than trying to find fault or correct the pastor. Christians are supposed to be faithful to their pastor and support him with their prayers,amen and offerings. Rather than being thermometers that only indicates temperature, Christians should be thermostats that commands temperature. They should change their environments of bad into good. Christians are supposed to create conducive and Godly atmosphere around themselves. They should not judge nor condemned in order not to be judged or condemned. The third part was on sowing. He continued by reading from the Bible, Ezekiel 44:30. He exhorted all to pay their tithes before any transaction with their salary or income. It is a God given law to pay tithes and God hold on to it for the blessing of His children as written in Malachi 3:8-12. Christians are to give their offerings for it’s written, do not come to the presence of the Lord empty handed(Deuteronomy 16:16b). Offerings are sacrificial and willful. Even before the Man of God,you shall not appear before him empty handed. There are different types of offerings such as thanks giving for answered prayers, first fruit. To be financially intelligent and be blessed, you don’t have to be selfish. Give without necessarily expecting such as written in Ecclesiastes 11:1 and don’t show up when giving such as written in Matthew 6:3. Give to those that are in need,lend to borrowers and don’t send away a needy when it is in your capacity to help for it is the line of true Christian move and certainly you shall reap what you sow in accordance with the law of sowing and reaping in Genesis 8:22. The pastoral message is summarized in three aspects:
-brotherly love (fellowship);
-respect to the Man of God; and
-sowing for financial and material blessings.
The pastor gave more realistic advise to the church especially the youths not to abide in sin,play with sin like a fool does or because God’s punishment on sin delays. They should be sober,dressed as Christians and not tight fitting and sexy dressing to seduce. They should go close to God and pray as in Psalms 119:33.
For the prophetic message of the year,the Man of God under anointing proclaimed all sorts of blessings,restoration and deliverance upon the children of God. To assure the Christians of the blessings, he referred to the prophet’s sermon, The Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages, page 64, second paragraph » Don’t fear, John. Don’t fear, little flock. All that I am,u are heir to. All power is yours. My omnipresent is yours as I stand in your midst. I have not come to bring fear and failure, but love and courage and ability. All power is given unto Me and it is yours to use. You speak the Word and I will perform it. That is my covenant and it can never fail ». He told the Christians to be strong,spiritual and courageous. He also read from the sermon:
184: » God hold on His promised Word every new year. He hold on to It, this year, to accomplished what He has promised for this year. What ever it may be,I will love to be at the center of His Will for the future, like those of old ». It was a Sunday full of rejoicing and comfort to the Christians as all went back smiling from jaw to jaw with hope and courage to embrace and face the new year.