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21 November 2019

Evangelism campaign organized by Araboth Tabernacle, Promise Land, Mile 4, Limbe from Thursday 21st to Saturday 23rd November 2019

Theme: Try Jesus Christ As Solutions to your problem through the End Time Message. Malachi 4:5-6

Praise: Br Victor from Mutengene

Interpreter: Sis  Sama Sharon. Limbe

1st Preaching: Pst Gabriel Sama, shepherd of Araboth Tabernacle, limbe

* John 9:1-12
* Matthew 11:28-30
* Matthew 10
* 1 Chronicles 4:9-10
* Jeremiah 17:5

– Come to me ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
* Blind Bartimaeus
* Prayer of Jabez
* Be friends with God

Title1: Life – changing e encounters

2nd praise: Br Simon-Pierre Ngassa Beutchou of  Buea and Br Victor of Mutengene

Interpreter 2: Br Simon-Pierre Ambassa

Preaching 2: Apostle Lambe Robinson of Buea

* John 9:1-12

Title 2: I was blind but now I see

– Everything God does is perfect that is why I was pushed by the Lord to come lend a hand to Mt brother who is very interested in the affairs of the Father.

* Jesus addresses Laodicea in Revelation saying she is blind and naked but does not know.

– It is a dangerous thing in life to be blind to the spiritual world of God.

– God uses trials to raise you in the spiritual realm so that your eyes may be open to the world of God

– You will never know a thing about God unless God gives you grace and leys the scales fall off your eyes like he did with Paul

– If you do not have a personal relationship with your God then you are only the child of a denomination.

– It needs God’s grace to see the realities of your age.

– To see means to understand; if you cannot understand then you are blind.

– God in this age sent William Marrion Branham to re-establish all things and bring out a people from denomination and prepare them for rapture of the Bride

– Jesus Christ has to circumcise your eyes for you to see clearly

– The Jews killed their own Messiah because they were blind

– A man with the spirit of his pastor, system, denomination etc but Jesus outside and are blind

– God sent Malachi 4:5-6 amongst us, ie the spirit of prophet Elijah to rebuild in our soul the divine light

– You van never enter heaven unless you are born again ie to receive in your soul the Eternal Light

– You who frequent bars, know that it is a kingdom of demons. All who go there are blind

– Christianity is no fiction; it is a reality,  Jesus Chris himself is real

– The greatest miracle God can perform is to take a sinner and make him a preacher of the Gospel of the Lord

* What is of interest to us is to know if you are in contact with Jesus Christ because once you are in contact with your God everything in your life changes

– If your name is written in God’s book of life don’t worry yourself to run away. God is a spirit and He will get a whole of you

– The Bible says your works will follow you. If then your works are evil, you are going to hell

– In this place of judgement your pastor, pope, will not be there only the blood of Jesus can help you in that day

– We all once led a bad life but one day at an evangelism campaign, Christian seminar, or Christian radio, we heard the voice of God and traced our way back to Him

– We had a message that announces the second coming of the Jesus Christ

– Make peace with God, the Lord Jesus Christ who gave his life at Golgotha not only to bring you eternal life but also to open your blind eyes. Amen!

– The preaching of the Gospel has to be accompanied by prayer for the sick for divine healing
The Bible says God sent His Word and healed them

An altar call waa made after these sermons and 4 souls answered present to the Lord Jesus Christ

Amen and Amen! Hallelujah. May the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ be forever blessed!



Evangelism campaign organized by Araboth Tabernacle, Promise Land, Mile 4, Limbe from Thursday 21st to Saturday 23rd November 2019

Theme: Try Jesus Christ As Solutions to your problem through the End Time Message. Malachi 4:5-6

Praise: Br Victor from Mutengene

Interpreter: Br Simon-Pierre Ambassa of Buea

Preaching: Pst Gabriel Sama, shepherd of Araboth Tabernacle, limbe

– Mark 10:17-22
– Acts 16:30- 31
– John 17:3
– Luke 12:16-21

Title 1: Eternal life

– Only the word of God can search the heart

– Jesus loved the young rich man because he discerned in him sincerely of heart

– The obstacle that caused this young rich man from entering the kingdom of God was that he was tied to his riches.

– Expecting eternal life out of Jesus Christ is committing a great mistake because eternal life is the Lord Jesus Christ

– Spiritual death is separation from God

– I prefer someone who clings to his Bible than he who clings to the dogmas and doctrines of his church

– One of these days each of us will render an account of our lives vis-a-vis the Word of God

– There are those who are Christians only when they are in church and can be seen by the Pastor. Once they leave church they no longer behave as Christians simply because they think no one is watching

– Eternal life is accepting that Jesus Christ gave himself up for sacrifice on the cross to reestablishing the relationship between the sinner and his God.

– This campaign gives us the opportunity to reconcile the story of Eternal life between your soil and God your creator.

2 preaching: Rev. Renaud, Mutengene

* John 3:1-5
* 1 Corinthians 12:13

Title: To which family do you belong?

– Everything depends on the family to which you belong be it blessings or curses

– The Bible says “I will visit the sins of the parents on the children up to the 4th generation”. If you belong to such a family you by default inherit the curses.

– My problem today is know what family you belong to

– The Bible says everything human born by sexual intercourse is born in iniquity.

– So it’s not about the church but it’s about the way you choose.

– That is why Jesus told Nicodemus to be born again if he has to belong to Jesus Christ’s family.

– The only condition to belong to this family is by birth

– therefore only two families exist: that of the first birth through sex and that of the second birth which is by water and Spirit to belong to God’s family.

– When you are born again God’s blessings, favours, etc have to follow you.

– The only means to cut of curses is to be born again

– There is a call this evening to whosoever wants to be born again and belong to the family of Abraham, Moses, Paul, Branham, James, Jesus Christ; the family of God who brings together all the saints since Adam til date.

– The only law to the new birth is being baptised in the same Spirit of God so as to become one with God

– Paul says be my imitators as i am of Christ. So each one has to behave according Christ, the father of the family of God.

– Prophet William Branham says I will never rejoice in my first birth but I rejoice in my second birth which is the new birth in Jesus Christ.

Amen and Amen. Hallelujah. May the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ be blessed forever!

Bro Bertrand Tchakote reporting from Limbe


Jules Pierre Moune

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