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Ambassador for Christ, be reconciled with the Word Groom

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Because we are appointed to defend only the interests of the country where we belong, our own opinion does not matter since we defend the official position of the Government of Christ. We are totally covered by safety, health, transportation, etc. of our Kingdom.

Our goal is to influence the host country. We possess diplomatic immunity and are recalled only by the highest authority of our country.

This is what the Messenger Apostle of the Church of the Nations and after him, the Prophet Messenger of the end time of the same Church reminds to the Word Bride according to II Corinthians 5:20 in style,  » We therefore act as ambassadors for Christ, as if God were exhorting through us, we beseech you in the name of Christ: be reconciled to God!

In any case, an ambassador is not there personally but as representing the interests of the country sending him.

Today, Paul and William Marrion Branham remind us that not only are we new creatures in Christ and old things are past, but also that we have a special diplomatic mission between two states (heaven and earth).

We have a ministry of reconciliation in us!

Matthew 28: 18-20:”18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (as an officer of the state, to speak on behalf of that state). Therefore, we must be in constant communication with His government to ensure that we understand the policy of the latter.

In the same way, the Word of God calls us to be the ambassadors of God on earth. All of us who belong to Jesus Christ are indeed ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

In this capacity, we are bearers of a message of the highest importance: that of the salvation of man.

Apostle Paul tells us that our function is « the ministry of reconciliation ». This function is exactly the same as that of an ambassador here on earth.

Our task is to ensure the quality of good relations between the country we represent and the one in which we operate. As Christians, we must announce to all those who do not know that the Kingdom of God is willing to create diplomatic ties with them. God wants to reconcile the world with Himself. So, at the end of the age of the Nations, before grace returned to Israel, God took care to send his Voice through Malachi 4.


Jules Pierre Moune

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