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Last Sunday service at Love Divine Sanctuary And YahshuaHamashia Tabernacle

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The praise and worship service this Sunday was led by brother Mayo Theophile. After which Rev Samuel BAHOYA took the floor to introduce the tape. Hr started by giving some recommendations: first on Holiness then on evangelization.

The particular message that God had for His children that morning was on sanctification Psalms 93 v 5. The man of God not only asked the congregation to repeat it but insisted on it’s importance to drive home the point. He also emphasized on the need for evangelization as God has allowed us on earth for a purpose: to evangelise those who aren’t saved yet.

Each age group should henceforth make evangelization its number priority. He expressed his joy on seeing a group of young boys from the church who went out on the streets with their device to make the local population listen to the Voice of God and called on each age group, young and old, men and women to emulate their example. As introduction to the tape, he read from Exodus 19; the first time the people gathered to listen to the Voice of God in the Bible.

Sanctification of course was required of them. Then the voice of God resounded in the ears of the audience in a wonderful one hour listen to the continuation of the preaching on « the breach between the seven church ages and the seven seals ».

The prophet of the age, brother Branham reminded the brethren that only the Lamb was found worthy of takung the book and breaking the seals and is therefore the only one worthy of our prayers. No saint, no angel, no elder or cherubim could do what He(the Lamb) has done for us.

The Lamb came from the throne hence could be no other than the Lord Himself. After the preaching the brethren praised God for His goodness, mercy and love and the service was closed by a prayer from Rev Samuel BAHOYA.


Noella NDOH

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