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Last Sunday Service at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle (20/10/2019)

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Last Sunday 20 October 2019, Christians at Yahshua Hamashia Tabernacle came once more to answer to the usual call of the Lord. After the Sunday school and praises and worship lead by Brother NANTA Samuel, the Pastor mounted the pulpit from Douala. The Pastor, BAHOYA Samuel began by the presentation of baby Salomé, brought by its parent, Bikinda and Elizabeth at Love Divine Sanctuary. He used this opportunity to specify to his audience that following biblical teachings, children are not baptized, but are presented to the Lord Jesus for blessings just as He himself was presented in the temple by his parents. But when it shall grow up to the age of consciousness, it shall by itself be baptized because baptism is a conscious engagement towards God as written in 1Peter 3:21. Idol worshipers carry their gods but for us, our God carry us, they talk to their gods but he can not hear, respond or even see, but our God hears, sees and responds to our prayers. After two testimonies from two sisters, the Pastor encouraged the Christians to always testify because it can encourage someone on his salvation way. He congratulated parents who encourage their children to come for Sunday school and brothers and sisters who did all to be on time for service, may the Lord richly bless them. It was also a special day for the Pastor and all under his ministry as he celebrated his 51st birthday the previous day) as a preacher of the gospel. He blessed the Lord for this and sang a special song for His glory. The dream of all Christians is to be part of the rapture and that’s what constituted the gospel of the day.

To introduce the prophet for the sermon of the day, he read from Psalms 68:5-6; 34, Psalms 69:34 and Revelation 10:7 and entitled it, And You Know It Not. He reminded the Christians that they are privileged to have seen with their eyes the fulfillment of the scriptures in Luke 17:30 and Revelation 10:7, for He send the spirit of Elijah to prepare hearts before His first coming (Luke 1:17) and did same for His second coming (Malachi 4-5) to help men escape the dreadful day of the Lord. He told the Christians to be happy for the Voice of God is taking a new turn to bring them to the provided place of worship. The fulfillment of the prophesy of Isaiah 40 is in simplicity because God always hide Himself and reveals in simplicity. He told Christians that the Word has three phases: pronunciation, symbols and revelation. As Joshua went round the walls of Jericho with the children of Israel to bring it down, the seventh angel has also come to go round the world with God’s message. We should always act in conformity to the Word of God for it will always come to past. God resides in His Word and if we listen to His Voice everywhere, we shall be anointed with His divinity. God is sending a short and clear message to the world for once more He has made the Word flesh by using man as His agent to visit the world same as He visited Abraham in the plains of Mamres. What we are hearing may still be nothing to us, but we are witnessing the direct creation of the Lord. May everyone say he is a son of the covenant for as Jesus told Thomas, happy are those who believe even before seeing. When the Voice of God is sounding, It delivers of all the demons that is tormenting us.

The Word-Bride is the Word of God Itself and not the physical body but the Mystical Body of Christ. Our Groom is the Word of God. As we feed on the Word of God, we become the spoken Word of God. the Word of God always go to the prophet as Mary the mother of Jesus went to Elisabeth the mother of John the Baptist when both were pregnant and this contact gave life and anointed John still in his mother’s womb. Every member of the body of Christ knows how to read the bible between the lines. As long as the last elect has not yet entered, the door can not be closed. At the end of his introduction of the prophet, he exalted the pastors to invite other pastors to come listen to the Voice of God. He then led everyone into the listening of the prophet in the sermon, And You Know it not.

CHENWI Celestine


Jules Pierre Moune

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